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Cotham School

KS4 Curriculum

Students at Cotham School study a broad and balanced curriculum at Key Stage 4 (KS4).  The core curriculum studied by all students consists of:  English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science, Personal Social and Health Education (PSHEE) and Physical Education (non-examined). In addition to these core subjects, students study pathway courses. Students in Year 10 and 11 study 3 pathway courses. 

Students in Year 9 are carefully supported to select their KS4 pathway with appropriate advice and guidance. The KS4 Pathways Portal contains all the guidance on how students select their preferences for KS4 courses. 


Key Stage 4 curriculum subjects and time allocations 
25 hrs per week, 50 periods x 60 minutes per two week cycle


Hours Per Fortnight


Year 10

Year 11










Core Physical Education/ Games (PE)



Core Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE)



Pathways (Option) subject 



Pathways (Option) subject



Pathways (Option) subject







Key Stage 4 Curriculum Blocking and Grouping Arrangements 





Half year blocked in Yrs 10 and 11

Top sets on each year half. All other groups are mixed ability 


Half year blocked in Yrs 10 and 11



Half years blocked in Yrs 10 and 11

Mixed ability in Yr10 for all, following Separate Sciences. 


In Year 11: two groups for Separate Science and two groups for Combined Science in each half year block.    

Core PE

Half year blocked in Yrs 10 and 11

Mixed ability groups 

Core Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE) 

Taught in half blocks with science

Mixed ability 

GCSE Modern Foreign Languages

(French, German or Spanish)

Taught in option blocks 

Mixed ability 

GCSE History 

Taught in option blocks

Mixed ability 

GCSE Ancient History

Taught in option blocks

Mixed ability 

GCSE Geography

Taught in option blocks

Mixed ability 


Taught in option blocks

Mixed ability 

GCSE Sociology

Taught in option blocks

Mixed ability 

CNAT  Sports Science 

Taught in option blocks

Mixed ability 

iMedia Vocational Certificate

Taught in option blocks

Mixed ability 

GCSE Computing

Taught in option blocks

Mixed ability 

CNAT Enterprise and Marketing

Taught in option blocks

Mixed ability 

GCSE Art and Design

Taught in option blocks 

Mixed ability

GCSE Music 

Taught in option blocks

Mixed ability

GCSE Music technology

Taught in option blocks

Mixed ability

BTEC Performing Arts Drama

Taught in option blocks

Mixed ability

BTEC Performing Arts Dance 

Taught in option blocks or as Twilight

Mixed Ability

GCSE Food and nutrition 

Taught in option blocks 

Mixed ability

GCSE 3D Design 

Taught in option blocks

Mixed ability

KS4 Curriculum Content

Parents and carers can see the Cotham KS3 Curriculum for students in Years 7, 8 and 9 across Terms 1 to 6 in our Cotham KS4 Curriculum powerpoint.  

Curriculum Booklets 

Additional information regarding the subjects delivered at KS4 can be found in our KS4 Curriculum Booklet.   

Year 11 Period 6 Sessions

We provide an additional teaching session for Year 11 students during terms 1 to 4. These sessions run on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday each week and run directly after period 5. All teachers are allocated one hour of directed time to run a Period 6 session once a fortnight. 

The Focus of Period 6

The focus of Period 6 sessions should be on retrieval and exam preparation activities. Please try and link into the information contained on the Preparing for Assessments portal that was created last year. We will be looking to push this with students this year. 

Period 6 Groupings

Each subject is allocated into the one of the below groupings:

  • Maths
  • English
  • Science
  • Option X Subjects
  • Option Y subjects
  • Option Z subjects

Each grouping is allocated one session per fortnight for Period 6.  All Year 11 students are allocated to Period 6 each session, however new for this year faculties are able to select which students from their groups they wish to attend their Period 6 session for each term.

Faculties can either choose to select all their students to attend their sessions that term or choose a subset of students from their groups to attend. The students not selected will not attend Period 6 on that day. Students are selected for their Period 6 sessions at the start of each term. Selected students cannot be changed during the term.